Don’t be afraid to ask where your food and drink is coming from!

Gaining knowledge and being educated is the only way things in the world ever change. It is the same with our food and drink. The more you know about it, the more likely you are to step back and appreciate the product you have in front of you and the journey it has been on to end up there. That is why we dedicate so much of our time to teaching people about farming and food and giving them an opportunity to ask questions and consequently, go onto to make small, positive changes in their shopping behaviours.

Farming is changing and we want the public to know how and why. One of the ways in which we try and challenge this issue and tackle the subject of food and farm education, is by taking our campers on farm tours. We take them on our farm trail, through a field that backs onto a neighbouring farm, through the chicken fields and into one of our chicken sheds. The tour ends with them being able to pick their own Organic eggs in one of our 6,000 bird barns to take home with them.

We have done this throughout the summer and are jumping for joy because it is becoming clear that people are genuinely interested in where their food comes from! We always welcome any questions that pop into their heads and we always answer them truthfully, which is something that we believe should be happening in farming all of the time.

Being consumers as well as producers, we like to use social media to ask places like supermarkets and restaurants where our food is coming from. We want farming to be open and honest and equip consumers with the right knowledge so that they can make the best decision for themselves and their families.

If we do not ask then we will never know, and if people never know then it is unlikely that things are going to change. Read your food labels, get in touch with your local food producers and make sure you keep on asking questions- why don’t you come and stay on our working farm next summer and experience the place for yourselves?

Love Kelly and Susie x

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