Make the most of your bank holiday
Wild Meadows Camping
Can’t choose between our three August bank holiday events?
Why not camp with us over the weekend and get all events included in your pitch price!

Friday 22nd - Monday 25th August
Camping includes:
- 3 nights camping from Fri 22nd – Mon 25th August (one pitch is based on one tent for up to 4 people. Up to 2 extra persons can be added at the time of booking for additional cost. Extra persons must stay in the tent that is part of that booking)
- Tickets to Dance Through the Decades Silent Disco on Friday 22nd August
- Tickets to Funk on the Farm with The Allergies on Saturday 23rd August
- Tickets to Macs Farm Circus on Monday 24th August
- Day time activities (exclusive to campers only)
- Fire pit & wood box including logs, kindling, matches & fire lighters
- Entry in to Meet the Chickens
- Toilet & shower facilities
- Car parking
Please note that our campsite and events are completely family friendly. If you are camping, no music of any kind is permitted in any of our camping fields at any time and we kindly ask that our camping fields are quiet by 10pm.