Up Coming Re Homes
If you are interested in giving some of our girls their happy forever homes then please check out our guide below to make sure you are completely ready. Then please visit Fresh Start for Hens for reservations and more information!
Upcoming Rehome Dates:
April 2024

Our Rehoming Story
Over the past 10 years we have worked with some amazing organisations who have helped us re home over 100,000 of our girls and because of everybody’s hard work, we have seen them all off to their happy forever homes.
This is not normal farming practice and in this industry commercial chickens are not kept for any longer than 80 weeks. This is because as the birds get older, the quality of the egg shell sometimes deteriorates. This then can be a risk when going through a rigorous packaging process. However, after they have worked so hard for us and produced thousands of delicious eggs we feel it is only right that we try our best to find them new homes rather than send them to slaughter.
Rehoming and keeping hens in your back garden or small holding is becoming a very popular thing to do and we can completely understand why. The girls are so friendly, and they will continue to lay well for many years. Our girls are big and strong, fairly well feathered and will love to follow you around and help you with your gardening.
Before you commit to rehoming any of our girls, you must do your research and make sure that you are completely ready for them.
The Mac’s Farm Rehoming Checklist
- Have you got suitable boxes or carriers to take our girls home in? If you do not have these then we cannot let them leave with you
- Have they got a clean and comfy home ready for them to go back to with lots of space?
- Have they got constant access to fresh food and water?
- Is their home dog and fox proof? This is REALLY IMPORTANT to keep our girls safe. Only let them roam around your gardens when you are out there as well.