Pullet eggs
Our next lot of pullet eggs will be available for a few short weeks, starting from Mid Jan 2024!
Due to the fact that they are noticeably smaller than eggs found in the supermarket- millions and millions of pullet eggs are sent for processing each year.
To see this happen to our beautiful Organic Free-range eggs is a crying shame, because pullet eggs are eggs at their very best. They are just the most delicious eggs we’ve tasted and they deserve to be celebrated.
When we have them we always sell them from our farm gate and we always take the opportunity to educate the general public on pullet eggs and what we believe, they are missing out on.
If we do not have pullet eggs available, we urge you to get in touch with your local egg farmers and producers- they will all have pullet eggs at some point. We would love to see this amazing little product get the recognition it deserves.

What are Pullet Eggs?
Pullet eggs are the very first eggs that we get from our young hens as they are just coming into their laying cycle at around 18 weeks of age. You’ll notice that they are smaller than the eggs you are used to seeing in the supermarkets- but they are so delicious.

What Makes Pullet Eggs Special?
One of the things that make these such a niche product is that they are only around for a limited amount of time. We only get them for a few weeks at the start of a flock.
Other than the fact that they are around for a limited time only, the yolks are big, brightly coloured and have a unique richness to them. They also hold their shape amazingly well in the pan, sitting like little mountains. They are perfect for poaching or frying.